Vital Web Ser­vices

We spe­cial­ize in provid­ing vital web ser­vices like host­ing, mon­it­or­ing and updat­ing your web­site, so you can focus on grow­ing your busi­ness.

Loc­al Busi­ness

You are a loc­al busi­ness and want to go online? We can help.

Online Store

You sell online and want a smooth UX? We can help.


You run a blog and want a fast site? We can help.


You want to present your work online? We can help.

Our Ser­vices


We make sure that your eCo­m­merce site runs super-fast, col­lects the right data and is fully GDPR com­pli­ant.


We find the best serv­ers for your web­site and make sure they run smoothly, con­stantly mon­it­or­ing uptime and per­form­ance.


We make sure your web­site is as safe as Fort Knox. No wor­ries about hack­ers, data breaches or mal­ware infec­tion.

We help entre­pren­eurs build suc­cess­ful online busi­nesses

We know that as an entre­pren­eur you are busy. And we know that admin stuff prob­ably isn’t, why you became an entre­pren­eur. Still it is vitally import­ant, that your web oper­a­tion runs smoothly.

That’s where we come in. Man­aging your web oper­a­tion, so that you can focus on your busi­ness.

“The best part of our ser­vice is the light­ning-quick sup­port. Whenev­er an issue arises, we make sure to respond with­in 60 minutes. That is well below the industry stand­ard and that’s how we like it.”

Jörg Lehnert

Why Choose Us


We love what we do. We know that your web­site is vitally import­ant to you, this is why good enough is nev­er good enough for us. We pur­sue excel­lence.


As a vet­er­an of the field we have more than 10 years exper­i­ence. We have dealt with every ima­gin­able scen­ario and this exper­i­ence is your advant­age.


The true test of any ser­vice is when things go wrong, so we know that great sup­port is vital. That’s why we proud ourselves of a 60 minute response time.

Get in touch and find out how we can help!